Snackables are what we like to call easily digestible content. Unlike things like blog posts, webinars, or podcasts, you don’t need much brainpower to look at snackables. They’re just little things for your readers to munch on as they scroll through your website or social media feeds.
Because they’re so easy to read, this makes them easier to share with other people, making them just as impactful as regular content. This makes them easy to create too!

So, if you find yourself burning out from producing high-quality content all week, take a step back and chill out with these awesome yet effective snackable contents from an Orange County SEO expert.
Quotes are one of the easiest kinds of snackable content. You simply take a quote from a famous person or a line from influential TV shows, movies, and interviews and repost it on your social media profiles or websites. Make sure the quote is uplifting so your viewers will feel good about reading it, and refrain from posting controversial quotes or quotes from controversial people.
If the person is using the social media platform you’re using, you should always tag them. By a stroke of luck, you can get acknowledged or even reposted by them!
Videos can get too heavy to take in, especially if you’re one of those fast-paced scrollers who love to go through things quickly. Sometimes people just don’t have the time or motivation to sit through several minutes of videos.
So, how do you get the benefits of a video in a shorter period? Why, with a GIF, of course!
GIFs are moving images that are oftentimes derived from videos. GIF makers use a photo editing tool to take a few seconds of a video, clip it, and convert it into frames. The frames are then enhanced with filters and layers and such, and they could also be sped up or slowed down depending on how long you want the GIF to be.
Keep in mind that GIFs aren’t a magic solution to your viewer’s short attention span. They’re not going to want to watch a long GIF more than they’d watch a long video. In fact, longer GIFs may even backfire against you as they notoriously take forever to load. They take up a lot of bandwidth and can slow down your page loading speed, so keep the bulky GIFs to a minimum.

Memes have become so prevalent in today’s society that they’ve become a language of their own. They are typically humorous, bringing smiles or at least an amused huff out of everybody who reads them. Memes help your brand connect with your customers and make you seem in with the times, especially if it was posted in response to something trending.
However, while many of today’s memes are generally uplifting, some of them feature humor that can be quite dark. It’s best to avoid these if you don’t want anybody to have negative feelings—the last thing you want to have is people associating sadness, anger, or disdain for your brand!
Additionally, when we say ‘in with the times,’ we mean ‘in with the times.’ Just like clothes, memes go in and out of fashion, and you can look seriously tacky or cheesy if you post memes that have stopped being funny ages ago.
Always keep track of the happenings on social media if you want to use memes in your content marketing.
Have you ever looked at a really long book and thought to yourself, “I wonder if there are pictures in this thing?” It’s the same thing with your content! Nobody wants to go through a whole wall of text to figure out what your text is about. In fact, many would prefer to just look at pretty pictures and stare at interesting graphs to figure out the message for themselves. So, as much as possible, try to condense your content into an eye-catching picture.
Infographics are a great way of sneaking something meatier into your marketing campaigns. For example, you could answer a frequently asked question, post fun facts about your brand, give short tutorials on how to use your product, and share insights with your customers. This shows that you’re making an effort to forge relationships with your customers.
Short Videos
Instead of a GIF, you could also do short videos instead. These typically last under 30 seconds and are a popular feature on many social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.
Because they’re usually under 30 seconds, you need to make sure you’re only highlighting the most important parts of your message. Try not to cram a lot of things in there as they’re meant to be casual and entertaining, not a brain dump.
Additionally, short videos are where you can have a lot of fun! Unlike the rest of the entries on this list, you can actually talk and add things like music and special effects to make things look more interesting. For best results, we recommend looking at what’s trending—you could look at Spotify’s most played song for the week and use it for your short video, for example.
Quizzes, Polls, Q&A
Want to know how to boost engagement with your customers while gathering valuable insights for your brand? Have them take a quiz or poll! Here, you can ask questions to help improve their customer experience. For example, if you run a cookie business and are looking for a new cookie flavor to release, you can ask your customers to see what they’d like to come out next.
Q&As, on the other hand, let you have two-way conversations with your customers. The both of you aren’t just simply seller and customer anymore—you’re both like-minded people who want your business to succeed. Here, you can answer any questions they may have, respond to positive and negative feedback, give updates on new releases and fixes, and so much more.