Website optimization is the backbone of SEO, and if you’re the owner or operator of a business site, then you want to check regularly with your SEO company Orange County to see that your site is ranking highly with Google and other search engines. There are some different ways that you can do that, and we’ll examine a couple of them in this article.


Remember not to take how well or poorly your site is ranking personally. At face value, this might seem like an absurd statement, but the fact is, some site operators are prideful about their site’s ranking, and if they’re not getting the results they want, they go into denial about it. There’s no need to get touchy. If Google isn’t ranking your site highly, just go back to the drawing board, and see what needs to be tweaked. In most cases, you don’t need a complete overhaul, but only minor adjustments.


On-site assessment of your SEO is the best place for you to start. Run down the basics first. Does your site use meta tags, and do they contain target keywords? Are there target keywords in your title pages? Are there unique page titles for each page on your site? If any answer was no, you need to take steps to change that. These are all issues that are looked for by search engines. They’re the backbone of optimization.


Next, it’s off-site SEO assessment. That includes looking for inbound links to your site and checking to see if they’re high-quality links. It’s also about seeing how many of your pages are indexed by search engines. You should also check on the age of your domain, especially if it’s been around for a while. The older the domain name, the more helpful that is for ranking. Search engines like stability, provided that you consistently post fresh content. Having a regular blog or new articles every week will help you in this regard.


If you’re looking good with both your on-site and off-site SEO, then you should see the page ranking results you’re looking for. Just remember not to get complacent. Check back regularly to make sure that every aspect of your page is doing what it should be. Like life, SEO is not a destination, but a journey.