As you’re likely aware, the purpose of optimizing websites is to direct more traffic to the site in question, with the goal of then getting more conversions. Orange County businesses that are immersed in SEO are probably doing so because they want to positively affect their bottom line and finish in the black during a certain designated period: quarterly, monthly, etc. If that’s your goal, you should take a good look at content marketing. It’s a part of e-commerce you can’t afford to ignore.


How Can Content Marketing Make A Difference For My Business?


Content marketing, broken down to its essence, is the creation of content that is designed to drive more customers to your site, build brand recognition, and share that content with a targeted audience that will probably respond to it. The creation of this content is a multifaceted process. When it’s done best, you have an entire team working on it. They should be experts in each aspect of what they’re doing, be it social media outreach, the ins and outs of what your company is all about, and the writing of the actual content you’ll be using for your campaign. That’s why it can be beneficial to hire an SEO company if you don’t have the staff to do this in-house. This is precisely what they do: they craft content marketing campaigns.


As for the specifics of what content marketing can do for your business, if it’s done right, which is to say you’re getting stimulating content in front of your customer and potential customer base, then your sales numbers should increase. You should create ebooks and videos about your niche and products, and they should be in a tone consistent with your brand. Your blog posts should be fully optimized, and they should be backed up with quality backlinks to establish your credibility. You should be seen as an authority in your niche, and your website should be the premier destination spot for quality content that entertains and excites.


Remember to discuss specific goals with your SEO company or in-house team. In the beginning, those goals might be met or they might not, but either way, you’ll have a framework and an understanding of what you might be able to realistically expect from your customers moving forward. The next month or quarter, you’ll want to top those numbers. You’re looking for consistent growth, and there’s no doubt that an effective content marketing strategy can be a huge part of that.