It seems like everyone raves about how great WordPress is when the time comes to design their website, Orange County. Whether you’re building the site for your business or personal use, there are so many different themes and variations you can use, and for the most part, it’s easy for even a novice to figure out the various features. There are a few annoyances and difficulties with which you might have to deal sometimes though, so here are some tips that should help you to become a WordPress website design pro.


Clean Up the Sidebar


A common complaint is that the basic WordPress sidebar is too crowded, Orange County, with icons on there that you never have cause to use. There might be pictures of your Facebook followers, ads, social media icons, or links to recent tweets. You can pare that down to the essentials by going into “Appearances and Widgets” and removing everything except the widgets that you need. That will give you a cleaner appearance as you go about the business of website design.


Optimize Your Media Library


There might be extensive content in your media library, and you want it to be easily accessible for you. That means you would be better off creating an integrated folder for it. All you’ll have to do is plug in a keyword, and you’ll instantly have the file you need. Go to Settings and Media and uncheck the button that says “organize my uploads into month-and-year based folders.” This will probably make more sense for you going forward, Orange County.


Modify Your Permalinks


Another complaint about WordPress is that your permalinks might not be compelling if you do not optimize them with clear, concise language. The solution is to use the permalink field on the editing page to revise your links before you publish them. You should eliminate any words that are not strictly necessary, and try to put keywords in positions that make the most sense. You want search engines to be able to tell with a glance what the post contains.


WordPress is undoubtedly one of the better platforms for website design newbies in Orange County, but you don’t have to use the preset version. You can make whatever adjustments you like, so don’t hesitate to play around with it until you get it just how you want it.