Influencer marketing is a great way to grab the attention of those in your niche who might not yet be aware of your services and products. Part of what inspires brand loyalty is when a customer feels a personal connection to your company, and if someone they trust and admire tells them that your products are worth a try, then that’s often all the motivation that’s needed for a sale. However, influencer marketing is not easy, Orange County, and you might need to bring in a social media agency that has prior experience with it if you want to achieve the best results.


Trust and Engagement


In marketing, whether on social media or anywhere else, your customers need to trust you. Someone would hardly be likely to go to a fast food restaurant if they heard that diners there were getting poisoned with strychnine. Your customers should feel that when they buy from you, they’re going to be getting a quality product or service every time. If someone for whom they have a great deal of admiration tells them that you can be trusted, it’s going to make a difference.


To get your potential customers to come to you, you need to make sure that they trust your influencer. But how can you tell? It’s easy: study the influencer’s profile. How many followers do they have? What is their engagement level? Someone who is a suitable candidate for an influencer should be getting constant likes, shares, views, and comments. They should be active on their social feeds. High rates of engagement mean a loyal following, and those are potential customers for you if you hire this person and make them one of the faces of your brand.


Find the Right Tone, Values, and Look


It’s likely that your Orange County business already is going for a certain feel via your social media accounts. This relates to your brand’s personality. Your tweets and Facebook profile will have a tone to them that conveys what you feel your brand epitomizes. It might be funny and lighthearted, or it might be introspective. Whatever the case, you’ll want your ambassador to be of a similar mindset.


You should study any possible influencer’s social media feeds before approaching them. If their tone fees wrong, then you probably won’t be a good fit for each other, even if their followers fall into the same niche as your company. You will also want to figure out a little about the values of any possible influencer. Do they align with yours? If your company is animal-friendly, you won’t want to partner with an influencer who parades around in a genuine sealskin coat.


When you or your social media company finds that right influencer, it can be a great day for both parties. The influencer gets either money or swag from you, and you get access to their followers. In some cases, it will turn out to be a one-time deal, but sometimes these sorts of relationships can last for years if they continue to be fruitful to both parties.