Google has stated that social media usage has no direct impact on SEO, Orange County. However, there is still a relationship between the two. There has to be one, because if someone finds out about your business and is directed to your site by discovering one of your social media feeds, then their becoming a customer can be directly attributed to your being on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever else you have a profile. Therefore, it’s handy to know about some social media practices that can impact your SEO in a positive, if tangential, way.


Grow Your Followers Organically


It’s understandable that you’re going to have more notoriety and visibility if your company Twitter account has a million followers as opposed to a hundred. But any shady SEO company can buy you proxy Twitter followers, and Google has ways of detecting their quality. If many of your followers have inactive or dummy accounts, it’s going to accomplish the opposite of what you desire.


Growing your followers can therefore be a slow and painstaking process, Orange County. It helps to post regularly, once a day if not multiple times a day. Present a voice for your brand, and stick to it. You should post fascinating content, helpful tips, general discussion items, and open inquiries. Then, be sure to engage directly with your followers when they respond or hire an SEO company that can do it for you.


External Inbound Links


Another practice that’s great for SEO is to post the sort of content to which your followers are going to link. Having a wealth of external inbound links to your content will help you rise quickly through the Google rankings. The key there is to have material that is high-quality and informative.


Hashtags can help you gain visibility. Try to devise something catchy that is going to go viral. You can also seek out topics of discussion within your niche and introduce your own content to them. You will begin to be seen as an authority and will doubtless introduce some new potential customers to your brand.


Follow these best practices, Orange County, and you should see your site engagement and sales numbers grow as your social media following does. In this social media age, it would be a mistake not to take advantage of these platforms for the valuable marketing opportunities they afford.