Social media marketing is never dull, Orange County. As a business, this is part of your ad strategy that is always going to keep you on your toes, because nothing ever stays the same. An approach that worked six months ago might not be as effective now. New social media platforms become more prominent, and others fade away. The customers in your niche might move from one social site to another, and the hot conversational topics are sure to change week by week, if not day by day.


Part of your job as a company located in Orange County is to keep on top of all of these different factors. You don’t want your social media marketing efforts to be in vain, so you must be studious, attentive, and ready to take advantage of trends.


The Video Takeover


The most significant trend over the past couple of years, by far, has been video taking over not just social media, but the internet. People want video; they demand it. Your content is much more likely to find engagement among your followers if it is optimized with videos. That means you need to learn about video production fast if you don’t know about it already, or else you need to hire an SEO company that has a skilled video production team.


Facebook is into video now, as is Instagram with their “Stories” feature. If you’re unsure about the importance of video to your social media marketing efforts, you’d better face facts: without it, you’re not going to be able to compete.


The Connection Between CRM and Chatbots


CRM, otherwise known as Customer Relation Management, matters as it relates to your marketing efforts because if your customers don’t feel like you’re being attentive to their needs and wants, they’re going to turn to someone else quickly. The rise of chatbots allows Orange County businesses to be able to engage with customers in real time.


Many instant messaging apps have launched bots on their platforms, and to good effect. Chatbots can be relied upon to provide your social media users and website visitors with customer support 24/7, and they’re even quicker than humans because they can provide answers to hundreds of pre-programmed queries and concerns. This sort of automation is perfect for your company because you don’t need to hire any new employees to handle this part of the sales process.


AI technology is only going to improve in the coming years, so you can be confident that chatbots have not reached the pinnacle of their capabilities. Be sure that you stay on top of this trend, Orange County.


Social media marketing can be challenging because of its transitory nature, but it can be exciting too. As long as you stay committed to learning about new trends as they emerge, there is no reason that your company cannot remain competitive in this regard.