Want to gain loyal customers while at the same time getting their insights of your business In Newport Beach or other cities in Orange County? Use email marketing! Drive Traffic Media offers an email marketing package that is ideal for your business needs, but first let me give you a glimpse of what email marketing is, its benefits and recommendations we can give for a successful one.
Email marketing is a type of campaign where a certain business can send out mails to an email list group(s) who have given the business their consent, or who we label as ‘opt-ins’, in a regular basis (like weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc). It is sent out in “drips”, meaning timed manner, depending on the actions of the email recipients and the process is often repeated as a cycle.
What are the Different Steps in a Successful Email Marketing?
1.Planning. This is the phase where we collect all emails from your business, usually your customer email lists, and upload it to our email marketing tool well before the email sending date. This is also the stage where we collect important information from your company like promos, articles and contents which you want us to use for the marketing campaign.
2.Designing your Business Marketing Page. Drive Traffic Media will design a marketing page for you which would usually contain information about your products and/or services. A mock-up landing page will be sent to you for approval. The landing page we will create usually has a call-to-action (CTA) button which would either be linked to the sales page of your website or can be created on the landing page itself.
3.Designing the newsletter. This is the most important part as the design of the newsletter can ‘make or break’ the campaign. Our Newsletter design will then be sent to you for approval. One important note, the newsletter can have an opt-out or unsubscribe option for your customers in case they don’t want to receive any email updates from your business anymore.
4.Testing. Drive Traffic Media will send you a test email copy of the newsletter for your approval. We will ensure that interlinking is implemented on the newsletter to optimize the services or products page, contact page and the sales page.
5.Sending. We will send the emails out in drips to avoid overwhelming your recipients. Our recommendation is to do it monthly that way you will have sufficient time to collate new contents for your marketing campaign. Fresh and unique contents allows for higher click throughs and conversion compared to recycled articles or contents.
6.Analysis and Updating. We will remove emails from your lists that have opted out of your newsletter and together with our team, will analyze the data we have collected based off of the success or failure of the previous newsletter that was sent. Drive Traffic Media will also collect relevant email IDs, if possible, based on your niche or likely product/service consumers.
What are the Benefits of Email Marketing?
1.Budget Saver. Typically, email marketing will save you money as it is cheaper compared to sending out mails by traditional post.
2.Time saver. Instead of consuming time in sending the mails out, Drive Traffic Media can accomplish the campaign in a matter of hours, providing we have all the contents we need, thus freeing your time for more worthwhile business endeavors and transactions.
3.Brand Awareness. Email marketing, when done in a regular basis, allows your business to build brand impression, engagement with your customers and loyalty to your product.
4.Communication. One important thing which a business can get from email marketing is recipient reaction. We can track the number and types of responses to the newsletter we sent; and of course, this is one great tool where you can obtain suggestions and comments from your email recipients, which would help you improve your product or service.
5.Conversion. Newsletter subscribers, by default, visit your sales page and products or service page through the links we will place on your newsletter content. Landing page conversion or website conversion is expected to take place!
6.Traffic. Email marketing increases your business landing page or web traffic through newsletter click throughs.
7.Segmentation. Because the email lists are your previous customers and/or potential product consumers, the campaign is targeted to be received by no less than your product/service subscribers.
8.Reevaluation. Email marketing campaign results allows you as a business owner to determine which contents your recipients are responding to, and for us, which graphics and designs get better engagement.
9.Information. The contents included in your email marketing allows your subscribers to know more about your products or services (especially if you have promos or special offers) and thus, the spread of information is imminent. Who would not forward such an enticing piece of information to friends or relatives?
10.Environment Impact. As a paperless form of marketing campaign, your business help the planet in the process. It might not be a big deal but the benefit is clear, nonetheless.
Drive Traffic Media recommends that you use email marketing in conjunction with other marketing campaigns as we have proven success with a mixture of this ingredient with other marketing efforts. The overall success of your business and the growth of your sales depend entirely on the incorporation of different marketing plans and its rigid and organized implementation.
Our email marketing services are available to businesses in Newport Beach and the rest of Orange County. Call Us at 9498006990 for a free quote or fill out the form on our contact us page.