There are always new SEO techniques that are coming out, Orange County, but sometimes it pays not to try and reinvent the wheel. Some optimization strategies are continually used because they are proven to work, and no self-respecting website should neglect them. Whether you have hired an SEO company or you are using an in-house team, you should talk to them about whether they are doing the following.


Bucket Brigades


This is a copywriting technique that has been used successfully in many different arenas, including journalism. It involves breaking an idea down into multiple sentences while using a phrase or “trigger word.” An example might be something simple, like the word “look.” It could be a phrase like “think about the value of this” or “do you see the value here?” It’s a lead-in to the next section that is meant to keep the reader forging ahead, and it’s proven to work.


The Use of Images


Humans react to visual stimulation, Orange County. We are more likely to be interested in something if there is a picture or video that goes with it, rather than just blocks of text. If you hire an SEO company, you should ask them if they are any good at photography and video production. Your ideal match will have extensive experience with both. Images also help you break articles and blog posts up into different sections.


The Inverted Pyramid Style of Writing


This is another journalism technique, but it works well on any business website too. It’s the style of writing where you start out with the most newsworthy information, including who, what, where, why, and when. Then you move on to the most critical details, and then you finish up with other general and background information. This works for blog posts, descriptions of your company and what it does, and product sales pitches as well. It’s a way to grab the reader and let them know the crucial details before you lose their attention.


If you are in negotiations with an SEO company, Orange County, talk to them about whether they use some of these techniques within their optimization yet, or if they are willing to do so for you. You want them to show you examples of ways that they have brought more traffic to other company sites. You also want to see how they have made those sites more intellectually stimulating and aesthetically appealing. If they can do both those things, then you might have found the right match for you.