If you’re not getting the engagement and sales from your social media channels that you were hoping, Orange County, then it may be time to call in the professionals. There are companies out there that can turn your social media game up a couple of notches, and you’ll be stunned by what optimized social media channels can do for you. But what is it that these companies do exactly, you might be asking. What process will they use to get these remarkable gains, and why can’t I do it myself?


First Thing’s First


Social media companies in Orange County generally get started on an optimization campaign by doing a thorough social audit. This is where they take stock of your position. If you have no social media channels yet, then they will start from scratch. If you do have existing channels, then they will look at how many followers you have, what your rate of growth is, how often you post, what kind of content you’re producing, etc. This is the first step toward figuring out how they can help you.


They will look at whether some of your channels are performing better than others, and why that might be the case. They will see if your audience is relevant to your company, meaning whether they are likely to buy from you or not. Perhaps most importantly, they will see if your channels need to be cleaned up. If you have any irrelevant content, it will need to be purged.


What You Should and Shouldn’t Post


This is the part that gets a little tricky, and where social media agencies make their money. If you have active social media channels and you’re posting on them every day, then it might be perplexing to you why you’re not seeing the success levels for which you were hoping. But it’s not just about how regularly you post. It’s about the content, and whether it’s on-message and on-brand, Orange County.


Social media companies will know that a bad joke that offends people or a poorly-stated opinion can get you a ton of bad publicity, and they’ll know how to avoid those. A social media company can act as a filter for you. That is one of its purposes. They will study your business, and talk with you about what kind of tone you’re trying to convey.


You might want comedy or satire, or that could be completely inappropriate. It depends on what your products and company are all about. Finding your brand voice is part of what social media companies do for you.


Now you should have a better understanding of what sort of asset a social media agency is. They’re able to go beyond the technical side of social media. They can act as a think tank for you, an incubator for ideas. Without them, it will be hard for you to strike the right tone consistently with your posts, and that’s how these companies are most valuable to you. Think about that carefully as you consider whether you are going to hire one.