For Orange County businesses that already have a website, hiring an SEO company can sometimes be embarrassing. Some business owners who are also web designers feel like they are admitting defeat when they relent and call in the cavalry. But there is no reason to feel that way. Just because you are allowing an expert to come in and help you does not mean that what you created is less worthy. Sometimes you need to understand both your strengths and your deficiencies, and doubtless, you are bringing all sorts of other skills to the table.


Correcting Existing Content Problems


When an SEO company takes over your site, the first thing they will do is a thorough audit. That will almost always involve taking the time to actually read everything on the site, not just glance at it to get a general sense of what it is trying to convey. They will see how many pages are indexed, which is a dead giveaway as to how Google regards their worth. If any of them are not being indexed, some work will need to be done.


Your SEO company will look at which of your pages are seeing the highest level of engagement and which ones are getting the lowest. They will look to see if some of the content was written with only length involved (based on the principle that longer content is more popular), or if it has obvious value to those in your niche. They will certainly look to address any duplicate content issues by using tools like Screaming Frog and Copyscape.


Copyscape will immediately recognize any duplicate content that is getting your site flagged by Google. Screaming Frog can crawl the website and see if there are any content issues with canonical elements, URLs, meta descriptions, and page titles.


When your SEO company has concluded its overhaul, Orange County, you can feel confident that visitors to your site will be getting more from the experience than they ever did before. Google will look on you favorably. All of your pages will be indexed, and there will be no duplicate or thin content. This is the way to cure your site woes. You should not give up if you aren’t getting the results you want yet. An experienced SEO company can get you out of your website doldrums.